Monday, April 14, 2008

Another villanelle

I know I meant to post a poem a day, but with the newest show, my weekends are taken up with getting stuff done. Sorry about that. I will post a couple a day to make up for it.

I love villanelles. Here is one I wrote and played a little loose with the repeated lines. But it's my poem, so I can do that. Besides, it works.

Absorbing Invisibility

I sit in camouflaged desire,
repressing fevered whirlwinds,
becoming shade as you require.

To dim the violent purple fire
dilute until it’s crystalline,
and wait in camouflaged desire.

Add grey to brazen red’s attire;
suppress her strut in softer skins,
in paler shades, as you require.

Hush the lute, and stow the lyre,
dampen strings on violins.
I’ll listen, and conceal desire.

I’ll paint with words that you inspire
disguised in shrouds of discipline
and faded, as your needs require.

Awaiting signals, I retire,
patient in the blues I’ve thinned.
I wait in camouflaged desire
a paler red than you require.

13 Feb 2003

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